Surface Physical Chemistry Lab
표면물리화학 연구실
10. Preferential leaching of chromium from nickel-based alloys in molten KCl salt at high temperature
Hyeok Il Kim
The best poster award
at 2024 Korea-Japan Symposium on Molecular Science & 143th Summer Symposium of KCS-Physical
Chemistry Division (Jun. 25, 2024)
9. Study on adsorption mechanism of 1,3-dioxolane on Ge(100) semiconductor surface
Su Ji Choi
제140차 대한화학회 물리화학분과 여름 심포지엄 (Jun. 20, 2023)
8. Study on the adsorption structures of 1,3-dithiolane on Ge(100) surface
Su Ji Choi
우수 포스터상
at the 34nd Synchrotron Radiation Users' Workshop (Nov. 17, 2022)
7. Effects of Tin, Niobium, and Iron Elements in Zirconium-based Samples on Lattice Thermal Expansion
Jeong Min Ha
at the 20th General Meeting of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society (Oct. 27, 2022)
6. Density functional theory calculations for adsorption mechanism of 1,3-dioxolane on Ge(100) surface
Su Ji Choi
제137차 대한화학회 물리화학분과 여름 심포지엄 (Jun. 28, 2022)
5. Effect of surface roughness on sputtering yield for tungsten
Tae Hyun Kwon
at 127th General Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society (Apr. 23, 2021)
4. Adsorption structures of tetrahydrofuran on Ge(100) surface
Jeong Woo Nam
우수 포스터상
at the 32nd Synchrotron Radiation Users' Workshop (Nov. 20, 2020)
3. Adsorption behavior of H2O on ZIRLO™ cladding: A photoemission spectroscopy study
Sangjune Park
The excellence oral presentation award
at the 3rd BK 21+ International Symposium on Photo-Bio-Chemistry (Jan. 10, 2020)
2. Density functional theory study on adsorption behavior of L-valine on Ge(100) surface
Su Yeon Cho
The outstanding poster presentation award
at the 3rd BK 21+ International Symposium on Photo-Bio-Chemistry (Jan. 10, 2020)
1. Study on the correlation between surface roughness and powder size of tungsten in various pelletizing pressure
Sangjune Park
The best poster award
at 19th International Symposium on Clean Technology (Nov. 15, 2019)
학부 졸업논문 발표회 수상
8. Adsorption behavior of 3-methylphenol on Ge(100) surface
Honggyeong Park
구두발표 장려상
영남대학교 자연과학대학 화학과 2024학년도 졸업논문 발표회 (Nov. 15, 2023)
7. Decreasing hydrogen content within zirconium using nanoparticles under pressurized water at high temperature
Sumin Ryu
구두발표 장려상
영남대학교 자연과학대학 화학과 2023학년도 졸업논문 발표회 (Nov. 17, 2023)
6. Study on the corrosion rate of Ni-based alloys in KCl molten salt
Hyeok Il Kim
구두발표 장려상
영남대학교 자연과학대학 화학생화학부 화학전공 2022학년도 졸업논문 발표회 (Nov. 18, 2022)
5. Study on the chemical properties of Mo-doped CeO2 samples for the use as photocatalyst
Yeon Ju Lee
구두발표 장려상
영남대학교 자연과학대학 화학생화학부 화학전공 2021학년도 졸업논문 발표회 (Nov. 18, 2021)
4. Density functional theory calculations for adsorption configuration of 1,3-Dioxolane on Ge(100)
Su Ji Choi
포스터발표 장려상
영남대학교 자연과학대학 화학생화학부 화학전공 2021학년도 졸업논문 발표회 (Nov. 18, 2021)
3. Study on the high temperature chemical behavior of minor alloying elements in cladding
Jeong Min Ha
구두발표 인기상
영남대학교 자연과학대학 화학생화학부 화학전공 2020학년도 졸업논문 발표회 (Nov. 13, 2020)
2. The effect of surface roughness and heating treatment on sputtering yield
Tae Hyun Kwon
포스터발표 장려상
영남대학교 자연과학대학 화학생화학부 화학전공 2020학년도 졸업논문 발표회 (Nov. 13, 2020)
1. Analytical results of SEM, surface profiler, and XRD data for tungsten pellets consisting of different particle sizes
Jeong Woo Nam
포스터발표 장려상
영남대학교 자연과학대학 화학생화학부 화학전공 2020학년도 졸업논문 발표회 (Nov. 13, 2020)